We would firstly like to wish all our valued customers a Safe & Happy Easter!
During this extended long weekend period the terminals will continue to operate, and the shipping lines will continue to calculate detention, all whilst most customers will be closed for the four day public holiday break.
It is perhaps during this period it may become necessary for us to hold containers in our yard for your customers’ convenience, that being the case please be mindful that ‘back to yard’ and ‘yard storage’ charges are applicable.
Furthermore, depending on when vessel availability falls, time up starts, and the allocation of timeslots provided, it may also be necessary to work during this Easter weekend period, in order to pick up your containers, and thereby avoid excessive wharf storage charges.
If you are effected by this situation, a surcharge will be applicable, we will advise you if this is the case and the additional charges applicable.
In the meantime if you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us on PH: 9248 9111.